Ye Mystic Krewe
Royal Court
Revised July7, 2011
About the Krewe
Krewe Royalty
Qualifications for the Court
Selection Procedures
Acceptance to the Court
Escorts and Guests
Senior Court Privileges
Social Behavior
Court Advisors
Major Functions
Selection of the Queen
Each year Ye Mystic Krewe of Neptune selects a King and Queen as its reigning royalty.
These Monarchs are joined by a Court of selected young ladies who appear with the
King, Neptunus Rex, and the Queen, Amphitrite, at all the Krewe functions. The Court
rides on the float with the King and Queen in all the parades.
Being selected to serve on the Court brings with it both benefits and obligations. This
handbook is intended to present the details of your commitment to the Court and to the
About the Krewe
The lineage of the Krewe can be traced back to the Krewe of Bacchus, the legendary
group that puts on the famous Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
From this original group sprang Tampa’s Krewe of Gasparilla that invades Tampa each
year on Gasparilla Day. Then followed the Krewe of the Knights of Sant’ Yago (which
hosts the Ybor City Night Parade) and the Krewe of Venus. These three Krewes were
influential and supportive when Ye Mystic Krewe of Neptune was established in 1980.
The Krewe of Neptune is comprised of business and professional people who represent
the Tampa Bay area. They participate in activities in several cities including St.
Petersburg, Clearwater and Tampa. At parades, the Krewe members distribute souvenir
beads as the Krewe Royalty and Court ride by on the Krewe float.
The Krewe ‘s uniform is based on the 19th century British Navy. The members wear the
striped shirt sailor garb typical of that era. Those who have received the Order of
Neptune by serving on the Board of Directors wear the British Naval Officers’ uniform.
Krewe Royalty
The Krewe Royalty consists of the King, Neptunus Rex, his Queen, Amphitrite, and the
Court. The King is selected by past Kings and Captains from the current Krewe
membership. The Queen is selected by the King-elect from the newly formed Court.
The Royalty reigns over the Krewe at all functions.
Qualifications for the Court
Court candidates must be between the ages of 21 and 30 as of November 1ST of the year
of application, be unmarried, and have no children. They should be personable, of good
moral character, and responsible. They also must be available to attend all of the Krewe
The minimum age requirement may be reduced to 18 years old as of November 1ST of the
year of application in the case of the Krewe member’s immediate family (daughter,
stepdaughter, or legal equivalent). However, the younger candidate must be
supervised by the Krewe member at all functions. The Krewe member also agrees
to release the Krewe of all supervisory responsibility in connection with Krewe
All candidates must complete an application form and provide a current photograph.
Court Selection Procedure
The reining King selects his Committee from among the membership. The Committee is
responsible for selection of the Court, the Court advisors, Court costumes, and all affairs
involving the Court.
The Committee begins with selection of candidates. A notice is posted to the membership
informing them of the requirements for candidacy and applications are provided.
All candidates must be sponsored by a current Krewe member in good standing. The
sponsor ascertains the candidate’s interest in being a member of the Court and determines
that his candidate meets all of the qualifications. The Krewe member assures the
availability of the candidate for participation in the upcoming Krewe events and submits
the initial application and photograph to the Committee.
The Committee then hosts a social event at which the sponsors introduce their candidates
to the members of the Court Committee, representatives of the Board of Directors and the
Captain of the Krewe. Attendance of the candidate and her sponsor is mandatory to be
considered for the Court.
At this event, the candidates are given a brief narrative of the Krewe and the role they
will play in the upcoming year. Each candidate introduces herself to the group and gives
her reasons for wanting to participate on the Court. Each candidate is encouraged to meet
all the Krewe members present.
Acceptance to the Court
Acceptance to the Court is limited. Those candidates who previously served on the Court
are not automatically eligible. They must have a record of good attendance and
acceptable behavior at last year’s events and they must also re-submit a Court application.
Those candidates who are accepted shall receive a formal notification in the form of a
letter of acceptance from the Committee chairman. The maximum number of Court
Members, as selected by the Court Committee, will be eight plus the Queen. Two
alternates may be selected and requested by the King to attend an event in the instance a
Court member will not be available to attend.
Candidates become members of the Court upon receipt of the letter of acceptance. At
that time, they are transferred from the jurisdiction of their sponsor to that of the
Committee and the Court advisors. All instructions then will come from the Committee
directly or via the advisors.
Installation of the Court is at the Coronation Ball, the major social event of the Krewe.
At that time, the present King and Queen abdicate their thrones and the new King and
Queen are crowned. It is during that ceremony that the new Court is formally introduced.
Members of the Court reign with the King and Queen throughout the social season from
the Coronation Ball until the new Court is selected.
The Queen reigns until the King and Queen formally abdicate at the following
Coronation Ball.
The members of the Court are considered to be “guests of the Krewe” at all major Krewe
functions that are designated for Krewe members and their ladies. As such, Court
members incur no costs for attendance, food, or refreshments as long as these are
provided free of charge to Krewe members.
In cases where the Krewe member and the Court incur costs, the Court shall be notified
in advance of the costs involved. Members of the Court will have “charge account”
privileges. Any costs that are charged to a Court member and not fully paid by that Court
member will be paid by the sponsor.
Costumes for use on the float will be provided by the Krewe. The costumes are to be
returned at the end of your reign to the Court chairman. No other special clothing or
items are required. It is expected that all members of the Court shall provide their own
clothes and personal items appropriate to the other social occasions. The Coronation Ball
is formal. The Court member is expected to wear a white, long formal gown with elbow
length white gloves and white shoes. The formal gown may be gifted to the Court
member by her sponsor. All other functions are semi-formal or casual.
Escorts and Guests
It is the intention that the main social interaction should be with the members of the
Krewe and their ladies and each other at all functions. The Court member may
bring an escort to the Coronation Ball. In all other cases, escorts shall be considered
as invited guests and shall be financially responsible for all costs incurred in the
same manner as other invited guests.
Escorts to some events such as the Gasparilla Parade also are subject to “space available”.
The Court will be notified of any openings which occur. The members of the Court do
not have the privilege of inviting guests to Krewe functions without the permission of the
Court chairman.
Senior Court Privileges
Those members of the Court who are selected for another term after having served a full
year shall have priority in selecting their positions on the float at the beginning of each
Should any deviations in costume be allowed, the senior Court members shall be given
first choice in the selection of their costumes.
The King, Queen, and Court are given recognition in the Krewe yearbook which carries
their names and pictures. They also shall be recognized at all Krewe functions where
introductions are in order.
Social Behavior
Members of the Court are expected to exhibit socially acceptable behavior at all times.
The Krewe functions are, for the most part, social events where food and refreshments
including alcoholic beverages are served. Members of the Court who are of legal age
will be served at their request.
Court members are expected to limit their consumption to below legal limits for
intoxication and below levels where behavior modification occurs. The use or possession
of drugs (except for prescriptions) or any other behavior modifying substances is strictly
Social interactions with Krewe members are encouraged on a group basis, but are not
acceptable on an individual basis. Should any instance occur where Krewe members
behave in a socially unacceptable manner towards a member of the Court, it should be
reported immediately to a member of the Court Committee.
Court Advisors
The Committee each year selects female Court advisors to interact with the members of
the Court on personal problems.
Major Functions
If a candidate is selected to the Court, one of the main benefits and obligations is to
attend all major functions that the Krewe sponsors, including the Court Tea. Major
functions begin with the Court Tea, Coronation Ball, and continue for events scheduled
on the Krewe calendar.
The Court is provided with a limited number of beads to toss to the crowds.
Costumes and a changing area are provided for the use of the Court. Comfortable shoes
are recommended as well as warm clothing if cold weather is predicted.
Court members are required to take the transportation provided. They should arrive at
least one hour prior to departure time. Food and refreshments are provided prior to the
Parades for the Krewe and the Court.
A schedule of parades with meeting times and places will be provided.
Coronation Ball
The highlight social event of the Krewe year is the Coronation Ball. It is a formal affair
with all the pageantry befitting the Coronation of the King and Queen and the installation
of the Court.
An informal rehearsal takes place approximately one week before the Ball. Court
members will be notified of the rehearsal dates and times.
Change of Command
This event marks the yearly changeover of the Krewe Captain and one third of the Board
of Directors. It is the point of recognition for service to the Krewe in the form of
awards. The dress is semi-formal and dining, dancing, and socializing are all a part of the
Chef de la Krewe
This semi-formal event is a food preparation contest with Krewe members competing for
the title of Chef de la Krewe.
King’s Party
Lavishness is the order of the evening as the King attempts to turn himself into a pauper
by throwing an extravagant party for the entire Krewe. As the highlight of the King’s
reign, and in a manner of his own choosing, he hosts an event of his own design. Dress is
specified by the King.
Selection of the Queen
The King-elect selects the Queen from the Court. All members of the Court are eligible
for this honor. Due to the social nature of the position of the Queen, all candidates must
be over the age of 21. If a Court member is under the age of 21 (and, therefore, the
daughter or stepdaughter of a Krewe member), she can be considered for the position if
her Krewe member father accepts the legal responsibility for her at all events.
The commitment of the Queen is greater than that of the Court in that she will be required
to accompany the King to the affairs held by each of the Krewes in Tampa as well as our
own Krewe functions. The Tampa events usually occur in late winter or early spring.